Gamer tag: (BR1T1SH DONKEY)
Level: (40)
Class Hunter, Titan and Warlock (Hunter)
if you are experienced or not: (Experienced)
Please do not post elimination games this is trials only
I have 3 Characters a 34 warlock a 34 hunter and a 34 titan. I do trials on my warlock and hunter although i have been 9-0 on my titan and would like to thank my team for that. When i have done the 9-0 for that weekend on my hunter and or warlock i will be helping out people who message me on Xbox one on the first 10 people to do so i shall help out you can have a friend join or person No. 2 can join.
Thank you for commenting on my post play safe and have fun.
CROTA/VOG Hard Raid finder
2 hunters one flawless and one 8-1 many times need a third
34 Sunsinger Looking for team that has gone flawless multiple times. We have gone multiple times as well. Have a KD around 1.2+ will be checking. :D Message: xCMxTakedown
Hey I'm sorta new to trials the hugest I've ever been is 7-0 but my team left me and it messed my thing up I've never been flawless I've never been to the light house I want to though and if you could sorta carry me but most of the time I can carry myself and I call out I communicate to the best of my abilities and consider it so thank you for reading this
Looking for one more to run trials. You just need a mic and be able to communicate. Message roomiestdisc90
Xbox one been to the lighthouse plenty of time just need help getting gear for my hunter
Looking for 1 more player. Max weapons. Flawless player Message GT: Ben Castor
Need one, msg in game for inv
Knees two more just get 4 kills per match and we're all set
34 Flawless experience. Just went 8-0 before losing Gt above Xbox one
34 warlock looking for help getting to the lighthouse, can hold my own
2 34s warlocks been to light house be4 looking for one more warlock with good weapons n has been to lighthouse be4 also
Message me if you haven't been flawless
Level 34 Hunter looking for group must have 1.5 Kdr are either on that character in trials or overall on destiny tracker I will check do not lie gamer tag same as above
inv me if -lvl 34 -have emblem -1.00 -must be good and communication gt same as above
34 lock sunsinger looking to join a team to play 365 weapons can hold my own just need the help of two players to get to the lighthouse gt same as name
Looking for 2 34s for flawless (Preferably Warlocks & Hunters) Must have Thorn, Last Word, Red Death, Vex, or Messenger for primary Must have good shotgun of sniper for special (Preferably LDR, Efrideet's Spear, The Supremacy, Felwinter's Lie, Party Crasher, Matador) Must have been flawless (emblem needs to be equipped for proof) Message Original Freaks for invite (OVER XBOX)
Reply to this if you have never gone flawless but have been close.. We can help
34 Flawless experience. Just went 8-0 before losing Gt above Xbox one
Looking for 2 people who don't expect to go flawless, but will give it everything. Message me for invite. GT is name.
Need 2 for trials flawless run must be experienced and carry own weight msg: Underground K for an invite.
inv me if -lvl 34 -have emblem -1.00 -must be good and communication gt same as above
Level 34 Hunter looking to go flawless. Send invite.
Need 2 to help me get to 5 wins plz. 33titan
Looking for 2 34s for flawless (Preferably Warlocks & Hunters) Must have Thorn, Last Word, Red Death, Vex, or Messenger for primary Must have good shotgun of sniper for special (Preferably LDR, Efrideet's Spear, The Supremacy, Felwinter's Lie, Party Crasher, Matador) Must have been flawless (emblem needs to be equipped for proof) Message Original Freaks for invite (OVER XBOX)
Looking for one more to run trials. Trying to get to 8 wins. You just need a mic and be able to communicate. Message roomiestdisc90
Need one for trials. Message roomiestdisc90