Gamer tag: (BR1T1SH DONKEY)
Level: (40)
Class Hunter, Titan and Warlock (Hunter)
if you are experienced or not: (Experienced)
Please do not post elimination games this is trials only
I have 3 Characters a 34 warlock a 34 hunter and a 34 titan. I do trials on my warlock and hunter although i have been 9-0 on my titan and would like to thank my team for that. When i have done the 9-0 for that weekend on my hunter and or warlock i will be helping out people who message me on Xbox one on the first 10 people to do so i shall help out you can have a friend join or person No. 2 can join.
Thank you for commenting on my post play safe and have fun.
CROTA/VOG Hard Raid finder
Need one for trials. Message roomiestdisc90
Looking for one more to run trials. Trying to get to 8 wins. You just need a mic and be able to communicate. Message roomiestdisc90
BraveProgram Lvl 34 Striker Flawless Emblem Max Thurn Max Felwinter/Final Round Grenades and Horse Shoes Flawless Run XBone
Looking for carry to 5 wins please. 33 Titan. Gt as above
level 34 Titan looking to go flawless (Again) I don't need anyone carrying me. Gt - Evil FoodStamps
Need one who's good at going flawless
Need 1
Looking for one more to run trials. Trying to get to 8 wins. You just need a mic and be able to communicate. Message roomiestdisc90
I'm looking for a GOOD fireteam to JOIN send me an invite on xbox one I got a thorn,efrideets spear, last word, tomorrow's answer etc. I'll call out and communicate I'm a good sniper I've been flawless 18 times and I have the emblem I can either be a self res or a void walker GAMERTAG: oLEGENDSx
Need 2 for Flawless Trials Please have maxed weapons and Flawless experience. Message UCFKnights79
34 hunter looking to do Flawless run my GT is GraveDeadCult
34 Titan looking for team to go flawless. Have max thorn party crasher quick Rez gt same as name send inv
34 Sunsinger Looking for team that has gone flawless multiple times. We have gone multiple times as well. Have a KD around 1.3+ will be checking. Not looking to carry Send stats for invite Message: xCMxTakedown
Need 2 for trials looking for 5 wins gt as above
34 Flawless experience. Just went 8-0 before losing Gt above Xbox one
Looking for 2 34's to help me get to 5 wins. Lvl 33 Titan
34w max weapons looking to go flawless but won't be mad if we dont, invite themanondacouch
34w max weapons looking to go flawless but won't be mad if we dont, invite themanondacouch
Lv 34 Titan been flawless won't rage quit send inv GT same just have mic
34w max weapons looking to go flawless, invite themanondacouch
Level 34 Titan Primary: LAST WORD, THORN, NO LAND BEYOND Special: MADATOR 64/EFRIDEET'S SPEAR Heavy: RADEGAST'S FURY GT: loneshadow555 I aint no scrub must have a mic i have a mic but i have to be quiet
Looking for a good team to go flawless with. Invite pls. GT same as name.
Looking for one more that has gone flawless multiple times. We have gone multiple times as well. Have a KD around 1.3+ will be checking. Not looking to carry Message: xCMxTakedown
Trials carry on twitch: azxfelix
Need two lvl 34's to help me get to 5 wins plz gt as above
Looking for one more flawless Msg dkremix for invite