Gamer tag: (BR1T1SH DONKEY)
Level: (40)
Class Hunter, Titan and Warlock (Hunter)
if you are experienced or not: (Experienced)
Please do not post elimination games this is trials only
I have 3 Characters a 34 warlock a 34 hunter and a 34 titan. I do trials on my warlock and hunter although i have been 9-0 on my titan and would like to thank my team for that. When i have done the 9-0 for that weekend on my hunter and or warlock i will be helping out people who message me on Xbox one on the first 10 people to do so i shall help out you can have a friend join or person No. 2 can join.
Thank you for commenting on my post play safe and have fun.
CROTA/VOG Hard Raid finder
Need two decent guys for trials, just wanna have fun and at least get the weapon, I'm a 34 Titan message me if your down Gt: ii Vallejo ii
I Have A Kd of 1.5 Trails Before Wins-Losses. 7-0 9-1 ?-?(possibly 9-0) Please Have A Mic. Please Be Serious. Have great Cooperation Must be able to hold you're own.
Level 34 Hunter looking for group must have 1.5 Kdr are either on that character in trials or overall on destiny tracker I will check do not lie gamer tag same as above
34 hunter. Need 2 more for flawless run. Don't have to be flawless just be good and carry your own. Message or invite GT: Blakinator1996
34 hunter looking to join a solid trials team aiming to go flawless Gt: deepgill13
Need one for trials we and my guy have two wins going for flawless you will get yours guaranteed so send me a message if you want to go to the light house
34 warlock lfg for flawless. Would like to get it done before the reset. Please be experienced and communicate well. Message "confusedsalsero"
Need 2 players to help me reach 5wins, if we get more cool! Inv me Lvl 34 Hunter Gt^^^
Hey I'm a level 34 warlock trying to go flawless so is anyone flawless or good willing to help much appreciated. Message my username.
Looking for someone with a kd of 1.30+ for trials flawless Dont care if you've been flawless before just as long as you have a good kd Msg hipp02044 for inv
Need one player must have gone flawless my friend and I are 34 hunters with maxed weapons & have gone flawless before msg on Xbox gt is same
34 warlock been flawless Need 2 Message for invite
Need 2 for Flawless Trials Please have maxed weapons and Flawless experience. Message UCFKnights79
34 Warlock Sunsinger Max pvp guns Been flawless Gt: Farkas0wnzz
Level 34 Hunter looking for group must have 1.5 Kdr are either on that character in trials or overall on destiny tracker I will check do not lie gamer tag same as above
Looking for carry to at least win 5. 34 striker. Please help. GT is same as above.
Level 34 Hunter looking for group must have 1.5 Kdr are either on that character in trials or overall on destiny tracker I will check do not lie gamer tag same as above
Need 1 message winkyfrownface
If anybody wants a shot at flawless come to my stream and follow we will be doing a raffle to help people go flawless my twitch is sparkfuse come on and join me guardians
Looking for a Lvl 34 Sunsinger trials pros only. L SPIDERMAN L MESSAGE ME ON XBOX WITH CLASS AND LVL IF YOU WANT AN INVITE
Need a skilled sniper who can hold their own. Looking to go flawless for the 12th time. Message me for invite.
Need a flawless team. Been flawless 10 times. Self res warlock. Using a shotgun so it would be goos if you snipe. Message L Gagnier L7L
LFG I've been doing very good this week and hit 8 wins twice Just want to go flawless AGAIN Gt above
Flawless Hunter lf flawless team. Inv
Need 1 for trials run Maxed guns and communication Gt same as above And don't send me a message just saying "inv"
Looking for 1 Must be good Be flawless Team work is key Xbox one Gt : iDr Richtofen