Gamer tag: (BR1T1SH DONKEY)
Level: (40)
Class Hunter, Titan and Warlock (Hunter)
if you are experienced or not: (Experienced)
Please do not post elimination games this is trials only
I have 3 Characters a 34 warlock a 34 hunter and a 34 titan. I do trials on my warlock and hunter although i have been 9-0 on my titan and would like to thank my team for that. When i have done the 9-0 for that weekend on my hunter and or warlock i will be helping out people who message me on Xbox one on the first 10 people to do so i shall help out you can have a friend join or person No. 2 can join.
Thank you for commenting on my post play safe and have fun.
CROTA/VOG Hard Raid finder
1.7 kd on all 3 characters looking for similar good players close or above My kd .... ( I am checking ) msg remarkzz
Lfg to run flawless have max weapons thorn last word can hold my own lvl 34 warlock
Looking for 2 34s for flawless (Preferably Warlocks self rez) HAVE TO OF GONE FLAWLESS BEFORE (EMBLEM AS PROOF) Must have Thorn, Last Word, Red Death, Vex, or Messenger for primary Must have good shotgun of sniper for special (Preferably LDR, Efrideet's Spear, The Supremacy, Felwinter's Lie, Party Crasher, Matador) Message United Tempers (XBOX one)
Looking to run trials been flawless many times looking to go again. Have emblem. Message for invite or invite me. Please have gone flawless before.
Need one more for trials. Just want to finish the card. 4 more wins, our 3rd lagged out. Message "confusedsalsero" self revive warlock preferred.
Need 1 for trials must have good kd ps i can check your kd so dont msg me if you have. A 0.90 thats not good talk
Lvl 34 Titan Max thorn, been flawless multiple times. Looking for flawless run. Please have gone flawless as well. Inv. Slickfawn553096
Need 2 more who want to go flawless. Must be good a trials and have at least a 1.3 KD. Msg for inv.
1.7 kd on all 3 characters looking for similar good players close or above My kd .... ( I am checking ) msg remarkzzd
Lv 34 tighten looking for flawless team experienced players been flawless I have emblem for proof
34 Titan looking for Flawless run. Been Flawless multiple times on my Titan and Warlock. I have experience, communicate well, and can hold my own. Pick me up if you already have a group of 2 GT: IN THE GATES
Looking to go flawless. Max weapons. Been flawless several times before. Gt same as above no zeros in gt send invite
Carrying people to go flawless watch high_im_joc on twitch!
1.7 kd on all 3 characters looking for similar good players close or above My kd .... ( I am checking ) msg remarkzz
Level 34 hunter flawless multiple times with a 1.89 kd in trials just looking for a team around the same kd GT: The Horizonn
Been flawless 10 + times looking for a team who has done the same inv me by same as above
Invite me 34 hunter looking for flawless went 9-0 3 times have thorn party crasher and hunger can use blade dancer or golden gun
34 hunter have been flawless just looking to help people
Need 2 guardians that are done going flawless this week and just wanna do it for fun Gt same
Looking for 1 more for trials, need to have gone flawless and be good, if your bad your gone message TheMareClan for inv
Need 1 for flawless run. Me and my buddy have been flawless 10+ times and need a good flawless player. Message generalwaffles6 for invite
Looking for a team of two to join. 34 blade dancer. 1.8 kd in trials. Must be good!!!! Sick of carrying bad kids. Been flawless every week. Gamer tag is dicey sins
34 lock looking for trials team Invite me GT is FogSake
Need a team for trials, people that can pull there own weight, send me a message for invite, gt: deadmummy27
34 warlock with quick revive. Looking for flawless group. Send invite GT same as name