Happens every day, in the real world. Think of it this way, lots of people pay the same amount of money to go to school. But those with a better starting skill set or those who put in more work will come out of of it with better tools (365 fatebringers in this comparison)
You... do realize that video games are supposed to an escape from the real world, that they're entertainment, right?
It is, and it's an entertaining game. There's plenty of fun to be had without maximized weapons. I was just trying to point out that what I said was logical as most things work that way. And since we still exist in reality why gaming, it would make sense that some things do carry over. And people are entertained in different ways. Some people are happy to sit, relax, and kill some aliens for an hour. Some people are only entertained pushing their game to the the Max. And everywhere in between. I think the in between people have it tough because they're probably in between, most likely to juggling priorities. But those are their choices. And they could make different ones. Not that that's a good plan for them, but it irks me when people make choices and complain about the consequences they bring[quote][/quote]