[b][u]DISCLAIMER: I don't mean to be toxic in any way, if I am, I apologize, to those who say, "ooh a strat without Gally big deal" I posted this to show "you don't need a Gally at all!" People are excluding others for not having a weapon, and that is not fair to them at all, don't be negative, if you don't have anything constructive, positive, or helpful to say, don't say anything, I don't want this to be a toxic post. Again, I apologize if I sound toxic or negative, it wasn't my intent.[/u][/b]
This strat requires [b][u]no g-horn[/u][/b] at all! As long as you have high impact snipers (or any sniper that is good for you, really) you will be fine! On with the strategy!
As soon as you spawn in, [b][u]head right[/u][/b] Then, [b][u]kill the eye of qodron[/u][/b]. [b][u]DO NOT FOCUS ON THE BOSS, KILL ALL THE ADDS AND NEVER GO IN THE CENTER, STAY ON THE RIGHT.[/u][/b] This makes it so adds won't spawn, the only thing spawning is the eye of qodron. [b][u]IF YOU GO IN THE CENTER, ADDS WILL SPAWN[/u][/b]. If you don't, they won't spawn, or just once every five mins. Once all adds are dead, [b][u]just focus on killing the eye, then after you break out of the bubbles, damage qodron FROM THE RIGHT, DO NOT GO IN THE CENTER![/u][/b]. Then, repeat killing the eye, busting bubbles, damage boss, repeat. If adds ever spawn, prioritize them.
At spawn, go right
Kill adds and qodron's eye.
Bust bubbles
Kill remaining adds and kill the eye
Bust bubbles
Once no adds are there, [b][u]DONT GO IN THE MIDDLE[/u][/b]
Kill eye, bust bubbles, damage boss, repeat.
A video that has a rough idea of what I am explaining is Tfue's qodron solo level 34 video. No g-horn needed, and with friends it is easier. Make sure everyone knows the strategy and/or has seen the video. I can't post a link at the moment. I'm on mobile so it would be a pain. Search [b][u]Tfue Qodron solo[/u][/b]. You can then see how you can apply this strat.
How do you get out of the bubble? I always die before I can break it.