Welcome To The Xbox One Weekly Nightfall Strike Team Finder! Please hit the up arrow on this post to help it get out there thanks.
Please include the following:
How many players you are looking for
**Your Gamer Tag**
2 people
GT: hdfyeg35
[spoiler]Please close a post after your group has been filled to make it easier for players still looking for a group.
2 people
GT: hdfyeg35
Please don't forget to hit the up arrow on this post thanks.
[u][b][Xbox One] - Kings Fall Raid Team Finder:[/b][/u]
[u][b][Xbox One] - Prison Of Elders Team Finder:[/b][/u]
[u][b][Xbox One] - Trials Of Osiris Team Finder[/b][/u]
[b][u][Xbox One] - Prison Of Elders Key Farming Group Finder:[/u][/b]
[i][u]Hey if you use it give a like!! :)[/u][/i]
Lvl 304 hunter looking to run nightfall, have mic, message me gt same as username, I need to run it 3x
300+ celestial hunter LF nightfall. Inv Sxrenity
297 hunter need 1 for nf. Message gt above for invite
303 hunter invite Spartan LS814 for nightfall
283 hunter lf n fall inv me
2 for nf gt above
Need 1 nightfall message deaddog12
297 hunter need 2 for nf. Message gt above for invite
Need 2 for nightfall, be light level ready and don't suck too bad. Message me at GreenBeretDal for an invite.
Edited by Eu prometheus: 9/29/2015 9:12:43 AMNeed 2 for 3 runs of nightfall message on Xbox for invite GT: Eu Prometheus
Need two for nightfall 290+ light Message Gt above
297 hunt lfg for nf.
297 hunt lfg for nf.
293 Titan for nf need invite gt up top
301 hunter lookin for group Gt lvl 99 abra Invite me
290 Warlock Mystic Timber
301 hunter Looking for 2 for nightfall Inv NinjaFingasz
Forming a group, first two messages got it. Gt is same as name.
Need 2 for nightfall msg on xbox gt above for invite
Edited by Sv X Fusion: 9/29/2015 9:09:02 AM300 warlock ok solar weapons no mic tho because it's 3am if u need 1 more inv me gt same ^
Need one for nightfall. Msg for invite
300 titan lfg nightfall, invite
297 warlock looking for NF gt same ^^^^^
Edited by beyondDarkness: 9/29/2015 9:08:51 AMLfg nightfall gt beyondDarkness for invite 290 hunter
300 hunter, inv me
Looking to join a game Warlock lvl : 284 Gt : drewdee