Welcome To The Xbox One Weekly Nightfall Strike Team Finder! Please hit the up arrow on this post to help it get out there thanks.
Please include the following:
How many players you are looking for
**Your Gamer Tag**
2 people
GT: hdfyeg35
[spoiler]Please close a post after your group has been filled to make it easier for players still looking for a group.
2 people
GT: hdfyeg35
Please don't forget to hit the up arrow on this post thanks.
[u][b][Xbox One] - Kings Fall Raid Team Finder:[/b][/u]
[u][b][Xbox One] - Prison Of Elders Team Finder:[/b][/u]
[u][b][Xbox One] - Trials Of Osiris Team Finder[/b][/u]
[b][u][Xbox One] - Prison Of Elders Key Farming Group Finder:[/u][/b]
[i][u]Hey if you use it give a like!! :)[/u][/i]
Looking to join a game Warlock lvl : 284 Gt : drewdee
302 warlock looking for nf inv ShockWaveVS
Have level 300+ need to run multiple nfs inv motivated furby
295 warlock LF Nightfall .gt same as above
Need 1 for nightfall.. gt same msg for inv
291 warlock lf nightfall invite troopercoops
Lvl 40 light 293 titan lf nf gt up top
300 hunter looking for a good team for the nightfall, inv me
Need 2 for nightfall, msg picky Afro for invite
Hosting message hayzerrrr for invite 2 spots open
Need 1 for night
My gt is SUBZEROxSOLDIER. I'm a 306 lock looking for nightfall x3. Invite:-)
Need 2 for nightfall (in progress) Message me INGAME "A Silent Poop"
Warlock 295, same GT as above
Need 2 for nightfall message for invite
LF Nighfall team runing it three times for each character 294 lock Gt hiyajuku
Need 2 for nf Msg for INV
Xbox One - Nightfall Need 2 +295 Message for invite GT:benjaminbradley
Need 1 for nightfall gt same as above
Need 2 for nightfalls on 3 characters. Message for invite!!
Need 1 for nightfall
34 Titan for NF
Need one more for nightfall. Also running a weekly after (optional) msg Xxmeepxmeepxx for invite
Need 2 for nightfall GT thewhiteboatman
Need 2 for nightfall message RitzierJam for invite on Xbox one
Need 1 for nightfall. Msg skatium for inv