Welcome To The Xbox One Weekly Nightfall Strike Team Finder! Please hit the up arrow on this post to help it get out there thanks.
Please include the following:
How many players you are looking for
**Your Gamer Tag**
2 people
GT: hdfyeg35
[spoiler]Please close a post after your group has been filled to make it easier for players still looking for a group.
2 people
GT: hdfyeg35
Please don't forget to hit the up arrow on this post thanks.
[u][b][Xbox One] - Kings Fall Raid Team Finder:[/b][/u]
[u][b][Xbox One] - Prison Of Elders Team Finder:[/b][/u]
[u][b][Xbox One] - Trials Of Osiris Team Finder[/b][/u]
[b][u][Xbox One] - Prison Of Elders Key Farming Group Finder:[/u][/b]
[i][u]Hey if you use it give a like!! :)[/u][/i]
Palsyboy38 looking for nightfall. Xbox1. Need to run twice
Two more for NF GT: miwi83
Need 2 for nf message hunter2701 ingame cheers
Need 1 for nightfall message bigol redneck10 for invite I have 3 characters to run it on
Need 2 for nf Msg:ExO ShAdOwZz
Need two people for nightfall I'm on the tank already so almost completed message for invite gt same as above
Titan looking for NF Max weapons and exp GT: miwi83
Need 1 for nightfall Gt: nwillis31
Looking for two to run the night fall twice. Invite hondov6
@wroetoshaw: NAH 😂😂😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/1gfJMpq2jr
Need two for nightfall send message for invite LVL 34 Titan with max weapons
34 hunter looking to do the nf. Inv me
34 titan lf nf inv gt arly1
Need 2, doing 3 night falls back to back, Plese be 33+ and have max weapons. MSG me 4 inv -Gt above
Need one for nightfall.
Lvl 34 warlock for nightfall please invite THE AGGR4VATOR
Need 1 for nf, Ms mee same gt as above
Lf1m for weekly Nightfall Message Teh extreme
Hosting nightfall x3 have 3 34's Max gally must have 3 34's. Message me on xb1 for an invite Gt- nG Regret
Need one for nightfall
Need 2 for nightfall message me in game for inv gt above
Need two to run nightfall message me for invit same gt
Need 1 xbox one.
34 hunter looking to do the nf. Inv me
34 Titan looking for two 34s for NF. Sent invite.
Need 1 for NF mensage for invite gt MATEUSFPM