Welcome To The Xbox One Weekly Nightfall Strike Team Finder! Please hit the up arrow on this post to help it get out there thanks.
Please include the following:
How many players you are looking for
**Your Gamer Tag**
2 people
GT: hdfyeg35
[spoiler]Please close a post after your group has been filled to make it easier for players still looking for a group.
2 people
GT: hdfyeg35
Please don't forget to hit the up arrow on this post thanks.
[u][b][Xbox One] - Kings Fall Raid Team Finder:[/b][/u]
[u][b][Xbox One] - Prison Of Elders Team Finder:[/b][/u]
[u][b][Xbox One] - Trials Of Osiris Team Finder[/b][/u]
[b][u][Xbox One] - Prison Of Elders Key Farming Group Finder:[/u][/b]
[i][u]Hey if you use it give a like!! :)[/u][/i]
34 warlock need 2 for nightfall. Looking to run twice but if you only want to do it once that's fine.
Need 3 34s for 3 nightfall runs! Message me for INV!
1 for nf Gt bearded ranga
Looking for 2 for Nightfall Message me on xbox Gt- Boyleeeee
34 Titan need 2 inv Lvuke
Need to run nightfall on all 3 characters, message me for invite gt is same
Looking to run NF on all three characters- message for invite[
Need two for nf, already started, gt same as above
Need one for nightfall
Need 1 more for nightfall. Msg Mr Wh1ppy
34 Titan looking for Nightfall. Invite Klemmster666
Need two who will run nightfall three times, message splashy Josh for invite
Look for 2 message me tag same as above
34 Titan looking to do nightfall invite huskycarnival50
Edited by Trillick: 8/4/2015 12:16:03 PMNeed just 1 for nightfall please message for invite
2 for nightfall 33+ Msg get above for inv
2 for nightfall 33+ Msg get above for inv
looking to do nightfall on all three characters message for invite
Lvl 34 looking to do NF Gt same as name
Looking to do nightfall with all 3 of my lvl 34 characters i have no mic if this isnt an issue feel free to invite me GT : Lil Kiwimagico
34 warlock looking to join nightfall
Need 2 for Nightfall Message: Kool Prodigy for invite!
Need two for nightfall, I have three characters that I'll being running it with. Mr Bropez
Need one for nightfall. GT scosher
Need one for nightfall message same as above
Need 3 for nightfall x3 message me for an invite gt same as above.