Welcome To The Xbox One Weekly Nightfall Strike Team Finder! Please hit the up arrow on this post to help it get out there thanks.
Please include the following:
How many players you are looking for
**Your Gamer Tag**
2 people
GT: hdfyeg35
[spoiler]Please close a post after your group has been filled to make it easier for players still looking for a group.
2 people
GT: hdfyeg35
Please don't forget to hit the up arrow on this post thanks.
[u][b][Xbox One] - Kings Fall Raid Team Finder:[/b][/u]
[u][b][Xbox One] - Prison Of Elders Team Finder:[/b][/u]
[u][b][Xbox One] - Trials Of Osiris Team Finder[/b][/u]
[b][u][Xbox One] - Prison Of Elders Key Farming Group Finder:[/u][/b]
[i][u]Hey if you use it give a like!! :)[/u][/i]
Nightfall Need 2 Game started with a 34 defender Message reaverincarnate
Need 1 msg me
Lv 34 Titan looking to do nightfall
Level 34 titan looking to do nightfall
Need 2 for nightfall message for invite
Looking for 1 more NF msg Buglock
Need 1 for nightfall message bonillax18
Looking for 1 more NF we already started msg for inv
34 warlock LFG for nightfall. GT is same as above.
Looking for 2 people. Im a lvl 31 titan, so I need people to carry but I can hold my own, just on my lowest character.
34 Gunslinger LF NF. GT is JokinMistah Jay
33 hunter for night fall get StaticLurch
34 hunter msg or invite gt as above for nightfall
34 hunter nightfall want to do a quick nightfall please send invite
Edited by StealthEagle42: 7/25/2015 11:16:26 PMLooking for someone willing to do it twice. We are already partially through the mission. Need 1 preferable a lvl 34. MSG ok xbox 1 for invite
Need 1 good player not going to carry. Gt Epikpwner852 msg for inv
33 warlock LF nightfall. Gt: sauceboss5288
Any chance someone can carry a level 30 through nightfall? Have done it plenty of times on other level 34s just can't solo as a lower level. If you can it would be appreciated and I'll repay you in whatever way possible on my higher levels. Thank you. Message me: xCMxTakedown
1 for nightfall Gt same as above
Need 1 for nf msg me to join
Msg GT above for nightfall.
Need 2 message me gt above
34 Titan looking for nightfall
33 warlock running nightfall. Gt: sauceboss5288
Level 34 Titan Message raider1987. I can't use my mic ATM so you don't need one either.
LF2 more for nightfall will be doing it 3 times. GT:zindorf88