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5/30/2015 2:50:52 PM
[quote]I'm not going to join a clan. I'm not going to play this game much longer if I can't easily find groups, either.[/quote] Sounds like you've made a choice then. Good. Own up to it. Here's why there isn't matchmaking for the harder endgame content. Did the level 32 PoEs yesterday with a clanmate and a random. We ran into trouble with Round 4 and the Arc Burn....and we wiped a couple of times. After the second wipe, the random simply quit. Hit my clan's message a third clanmate to join us. We wiped a couple more times while we worked out a strategy to get passed that round....and then went on to complete it with all three of our characters. When you form your own group there is a level of investement and a willingness to endure difficulty in solving problems that isn't there when you are simply matchmade with people you don't know. So it is a set-up for FAILURE in the harder content, where strategies have to worked out on the fly, and repeated failures endured while a winning approach is sussed out.

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