I won't say much because if I did I'd go on forever. This game had little appeal to make me want to come back, playing this game was a task, not a pleasure, not even an experience.
Unlike any morpg this game tries to be, it lacks customisation and story telling and most importantly it actually lacks the multiplayer. Non existent matchmaking, you're forced to play alone for the duration of the poor excuse of a main quest line. If you don't want to have a gutrenching hard or tedious time trying to solo missions, raids and strikes then you need to party up, and odds are your friends don't play this game because they know just how boring it is.
The DLC should've come with the main game, nothing new was added, the Crota plot line was more fitting of a main story than the current one, and the house of wolves is a desperate attempt to convince people Bungie actually tried to make an interesting experience. They didn't.
I really hope someone at Bungie reads this. I don't care if they change their money milking approach to games, I want them to know that as a company that should be entertaining people; they've failed their most loyal fans who have been with them since the first Halo. Farewell.