From the start of this game Destiny was meant to be a cooperative team experience. That's why it requires internet so you can interact with people you know to overcome the challenges the game presents. It requires you to have friends who own the game to be able to play with them however they also have these amazing forums and places where players can meet in order to play together if for some reason they couldn't form a team at any given time. I don't see why optional matchmaking couldn't be a thing but I guess Bungie will do whatever they see fit.
Just adding: since it was going to be a cooperative game you'd think they would have a way of communication in game. But instead they said no chat box to make it challenging. Lol....but then you got to wonder why MM at all to begin with? They are contradicting themselves.
Yeah, you're right. It wasn't that long ago that they even added voice communication into the game. What they need to do is also add some simple phrases that could be displayed similar to how you can dance with the touch of a button, you could possibly display a set phrase with the pish of a button. :)
Bungie does what they can get away with. If we say nothing this will not change. We must stand up..even if we must stand alone.