Easy to obtain just wait for iron banner you can buy it so stock up on glimmer
Yeah, but what about all the PvE players that don't enjoy/aren't skilled at PvP? There should be an even way for them to get EL
Nightfall and poe every week
Yeah it's called the prison of elders >_>
How many can you buy?
5 they are 5k a pop and you max out at 25k but you can acumalate house banners and stuff so you could potentially stock up more
Nothing's been confirmed yet. Some say what you're saying. Others are saying you can only get 1 when you hit rank 3 then rank 5. I personally think it's the 2nd option because if you could buy some at rank 3 then what would even be the point in going to rank 5? You could just stock up at rank 3
I don't think it matters exotic use exotic shards to lv up to 365 and there common lol
Are you sure about this? I heard they only drop as rewards once you hit rank 3
Watched a youtube vid showing them been buyable but anything can change between now and when it's released
Yeah but pretty sure you can't just buy them. That would be insane
Lol skolos is insane thorn is insane the light house is insane you see the pattern now hahaha
Yeah but I suck at pvp but I can easily hit rank 3 in two days and get unlimited etheric light. Doesn't make sense lol
Let's just wait and seen how the dice roll before we go guessing
Y do you care your fatebringer is already upgraded bro not one of my legendaries is upgraded
Thats not easy man getting to rank three with all titan tryhards on the opposite team come the f uck on man
Get a thorn up ya titan lol I usually just blink jump up and thorn my enemeys but if you can't fair call
No man i can but all iron banner is is f uckin f aggots shoulder charges fist of havic such garbage and cancerous to the human race
So is trials but we have to play the puss to get our rewards I would rather do a poe than osiris but I need those weapons
Yeah understandable man the people who play this game just suck man i get it I have the same problem