I do not believe so. Though bungie acted like it was a bug, they were clearly removed intentionally and likely, permanently. Think about the areas where the packs of wolves prowl. These areas all used to have blades of crota. It is VERY likely they removed the blades so the events wouldn't happen at the same time. Think about how easy it would be to wipe out a wolf pack with a blade. They shouldn't have COMPLETELY removed them, but I get it. (ALSO, this probably means in the years to come, these wolf packs will no longer prowl.)
Donald Bump
No, and they really should change the bounties for eris too. Blades of Crota are now only available in the lvl 24 dark below mission (the fist of crota, earth).
Sadly no. The wolves spawns will also dissapear when ttk come out
No Bungie said that they wanted this to be limited time things so no they won't be coming back
I dont play much, in fact I just started to play again. I had got to lvl. 7 then quit. The Blades were kinda fun and interesting, but remember, Crota has been killed, whether you have TDB or not. Since he has been bumped off, so have the blades. The wolves will follow. Whatever Taken roam around will probably "disappear" when next dlc after taken king drops. Maybe the last dlc will have the darkness itself and it somehow revives all of the evil ones. Maybe it would involge a massive war. But it is unlikely that would happen. I assume each race will loose their dlc characters whenever the next dlc comes out
Go to the fist of Crota mission if you need one.
Yes! I've always wondered where they went.
Yeah, in the mission called Fist of Crota
Man, I hope so.
Maybe after they drop last gen.
Likely never. That event has passed. Crota killed in the cannon. Maybe something similar for oryx if rumors hold true