Inner monlogue:
[spoiler]I know this is sudden, but heres some trivia, as you have seemed to finish your glass [/spoiler]
[spoiler]the name "rum and cola" is actually a nickname. But do you know the real name of thise drink?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Its called the "cuba* libre". The ruma caled for in this drink represents cuba.[/spoiler]
[spoiler] This is a cocktail which mixed the national specialties of Cuba and the United States, as a celebration of Cuba's independence /spoiler]
[spoiler]Cuba libre means free cuba[/spoiler]
[spoiler]it tastes differently when you know the history[/spoiler]
[spoiler]* Cuba in Cuba Libre is pronounced "koo-ba", as opposed to Cuba which is pronounced "kew-ba". /spoiler]
*reads your thoughts* [spoiler]no shit! [/spoiler][spoiler]guess what[/spoiler][spoiler]i speak Spanish [/spoiler][spoiler]¿como vez?[/spoiler][spoiler]also, [/spoiler][spoiler]cola means butt crack, or ass in spanish[/spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler]