i think that this is a good idea keeps all the jerks a way from the girls and allows them to play. its petty to start an all guys clan beacause some of use guys cant handle the girls having a safe haven.
Wait did you mean to say its petty to start a all guy clan?
i mean you being petty beacause or only starting an all guys clan because they have an all girls clan.
Nah just no girls aloud haha
Ehh I don't get why guys get excited when there's a girl online anyways. To be honest if I meet a girl on Xbox I'm already assuming there fat and look like meg but I guess they get excited cause there probably to scared to talk to girls in real life and have never seen a viagina hahaha
i let the girls come to me if they want to team up fine with me if not fine with me. i have seen more girls kick but then guys so i could care less if one is playing or not. as far as other guys they are either despret or jackasses
That's kind of what I'm saying in a nutshell
Man lay off. We are all here to play are we not?
I'm not understanding your comment
You're kinda being a douche
How so?
We are all here to play a game no? Stop insulting people
Who did I insult individually?
You insulted a group of people. It's not right.
Well i guess I meant I wasn't attacking anyone individually but if the shoe fits..
That's cool.I assume you're fat too. (:
Why thank you! You can fix fat but not ugly :P
Ugly appearances can be fixed.Too bad your ugly personality can't. (:
Hey! I may be a d ick but I'm a very nice person
Your English skills leave much to be desired.
How so?