I've been a clan leader. We had an excellent clan that represented everything Bungie had in mind when you talk about pre-made teams. So I've previously stayed on the sidelines regarding this issue. Well not long after Crota we experienced a lull brought on by the ennui of the overall poor quality of the first expansion. Not long after, most either hung up their ghosts or migrated to Xbox One. And I was left clanless.
I've been a member of several clans since and none have come close to duplicating the experience. They are basically just one more place to post a LFG. This as well as time spent (wasted) posting on LFG has really changed the way I view things. Having in game matchmaking would really give no better or worse groups than what the majority of us are already experiencing. It would just eliminate an excruciating wait time that is causing me as well as a large number of others to miss out on some of the best content.
As a husband, a parent and a working adult, I simply do not have the time to find and maintain new groups all the time. My game play is usually limited to about an hour here or there and if I can find or set aside the time to run a raid, the last thing I need is to waste hours just trying to get a group together.
The community knows Bungie can do this. They added matchmaking to the weeklies. So what is the real issue? I'm sorry but, "That's not the way we envisioned you playing so we don't want to do that." is not a sufficient reason.
The community wants this. Bungie can do it. If it's optional, it's not hurting anyone who is in disagreement. So WHAT IS THE ISSUE? Give us a real answer DeeJ. And if there isn't one, then just give us the matchmaking already.
All the bumps