*rips your arms off* There you go.
Thanks. *heads to the basement, where you live* I want new arms.
[spoiler]i moved out[/spoiler] *you find nothing but gargoyle porn*
Ohhh.........Kayyyy........... *walks out of bar, and to your taxi* *hops in* Arms. Now.
Which ones?
One set i own. You have to buy back. The other, will cost you your left leg
My leg!? Oh forget it....Ill get arms somewhere else.
Good luck
*glares* Fineee. Ill buy my arms back.
Fine. One soul please
That'll do
Will I be alive after??
You have to wait and see
For my arms.......yes, okay, do it.
*rams into you with taxi, drags yoir body into the back seat*
*still concious* Julie. It takes more than that to knock me out.
I wasn't trying to knock you out. . . *starts driving*
K. *sips drink*
*watches and drives for hours*
Are we there yet? *props self up by the window*
Yes. *we arrive, you see a red and purple sky*
Hmm...ok *watches through the window*