Last week I was banned from Destiny. I believe that it was because my opponents either left or where disconnected mid-game. If a Bungie member could confirm my suspicions to be true, I would be willing to provide proof that I did not cheat to gain my wins. I had multiple games where I spawned a game with no opposing team.
I had over 100 wins last weekend in Trials of Osiris and only 10 or so had opponents that disconnected.
To a Bungie member or rep: Thank you for reviewing this thread.
Someone in your team must have done the lagswitch. Bungie doesn't seem to be able to pin point who was causing it but rather bans the whole fireteam. I am in the same boat as you. I got banned even tho myself and my friend I let play for me did not cheat. Someone in my fire team was doing it and just like you there is no real way of knowing it. To you it's random opponent getting disconnected to bungie you were cheating. I hope bungie can take a second look at the ban wave from last week and reconsider turning it into a temporary ban.