>walks off ship, cruises around
>finds alien
>exchange knowledge
>aliens ties me up
>gets lead to base
>takes out intervention
>quickscopes alien 360
>aliens-u wot m8
>me-reks every alien noob
>aliens die
>420 blaze
>teh end
*looks down at group of school children* And that is the legend of our unnamed hero who singlehandedly defeated an alien armada.
[quote]*looks down at group of school children* And that is the legend of our unnamed hero who singlehandedly defeated an alien armada.[/quote] >crashes through window >ALL THE KIDS R ALIENS >U WOT M8 >SHIT BLKWS UP >base is blown to bits >only ones to get out >huge scarab comes out of nowhere >gets rekt >#3edgy5me >big battle ensues >intervention >360 quicscops >Spoodermans around the room >aliens-teh fuk >me-drops nuke >ayy lmao >saves day >gets praised >gets laid >the end
*snipes robot disguised as kid "There's more!"
"This is why we can't have nice things!" Opens fire on the robot alien things