originally posted in:Dads of Destiny GMT
I usually work my way through Iron Banner to get the gear. This time around the holy grail will also be available at lvl 3 & 5 (Etheric Light).
I tend to solo due to my irregular hours but have had great success when in a 6 man fireteam.
Please add your name if you play IB and if I'm about you'd be open to an invite/join.
The more the merrier.
Please don't take this post to mean I'm a PVP God, far from it, but I like a laugh and as long as you have bounties and collect the buffs as you go, lvl 5 is a doddle.
I will add names to the end of this post so that we have a quicklist.
See you out there Guardians.
Prisoner of Life
Getting a good list here guys, if we form two teams we may end up with a DoD on DoD situation !
Think of the bragging rights.
I was on IB this morning by myself. It would be great to play in a team. Count me in. I probably won't be doing much else this week.
Count me in buddy
Count me in mate.
I'm in, on from 9PM every day. same PSN
I'm in IB all week, not sure what times, but will jump into a party and annoy you.
sign me up! Daddy needs some IB gear!
Shall be in for the first time, fog101
Can you change De4thcloud psn id to Steve031068 please.
Yeah I'm in Defo! Great fun last time round!
Add me too! Late night IB for me... Usually on from 9.30ish most evenings!
I intend to do IB but I don't know when or what day/s. If you want a skilled player to join your team, then look elsewhere. Last time I did Iron Banner I for instance had a kill death ratio two times of 0.06 and once of 0.07. The other ratios I forgot, but just pointing out how bad things usually go for me in PvP. Anyway, if I'm on and showing one of those iron banner emblems, then I would be really happy to be allowed to join proffessionals, as the rest of you guys are, for some games. I have a Iron Banner bounty I need to complete, plus I need more score for my bounty for Bad Juju I think it is.A request from Ikora Part Two is an impossible bounty, and I will never be able to complete it, but I still got that to do aswell even if it's as stated impossible to complete it. (Else I wouldn't have had it for a bit past half a year.) So, if there is space in your team, I'm on with a iron banner emblem, and you don't care about how wortless a player is in PvP, then I'm also available. lol.
Stick me in list please im irregular too but would love to join in
count me in.
Besides the scheduled raids and PoE runs I'd be up for IB.
I'm IB'ing this week. Not sure how much time I will be able to put in, but if I'm online, I'm game!
I'll be hammerin the bannerin whenever I'm on this week!
Yeah I'll be doing IB probably exclusively this week! Always up for a group so please invite me or drop me a line if I'm in a group and we'll drop to orbit between matches so you can join.
This week I will mostly be playing - Iron Banner :)
I'll be doing Ib all week apart from Wednesday ( booked myself into a PoE 32 ) but the general consensus is If you've got the Ib emblem active then you're up for some Iron Banner
What times are you guys on ?. I'll work evenings so I'll be on from 9:30 - 12:00 in the morning then later from 11:30pm till whenever. If your on around these times my psn id is Steve031068, I don't mind helping with the PoE 32 as long as it can be done between the times above.
I'll be hitting IB all week buddy feel free to jump in or invite me if you like. I am also no PVP god but as you said, work the bounties, collect the buff and rank 5 is pretty easy. Looking forward to getting that Etheric Light at rank 3 & 5!! IB is a great laugh with a DoD team and there are plenty pf us who will be braving the crucible all week long :)