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That's not an actual question, by the way. Welcome to my theory thread. Put your brain caps on.
Let's start with [i]this:[/i]
I will be quoting that multiple times in this, so no worries if you don't want to read it. It's long. It's also an ancient Egyptian poem, on a side note. It's called the Halls of Amenti. So, a while ago it was maybe kinda sorta leaked and then disproved that Trials of Osiris had its own social space called the Halls of Amenti that you could only gain access to by being MLG pro in the Trials. Again, disproved, but the fact that it existed, if only in our heads then so be it, is important. Because of this:
[quote]Deep in the Halls of Life grew a flower, flaming, expanding, drawing backward the night[/quote]
So it kinda starts here-ish. Basically it says that there were Masters (gods/the Traveler?) that sent children (ghosts/Guardians) out to conquer evil or whatever, and the Traveler (Masters) built two Halls for whatever reason: the Hall of Life (Hall of Amenti), and the Hall of Death, but only because they needed a counterweight to the Hall of Life/Amenti. The quote says "drawing backward the night", which could mean the darkness. There is only one thing we know right now that can do that: Guardians. So, what the first Guardians chilled here? The first ones? Or...
[quote]Seated within the flower of radiance sit seven
Lords from the Space-Times above us,
helping and guiding through infinite Wisdom,
the pathway through time of the children of men.
Okay, so yeah, the Lords (that means Iron Lords, honeys) were chosen to protect and chill in the Halls of Amenti. That's why they're so... god-like.
[quote]First and most mighty,
sits the Veiled Presence, Lord of Lords,
the infinite Nine,
over the other from each
the Lords of the Cycles; [/quote]
The Veiled.... infinite Nin- that is [i]Xûr,[/i] guys. So, apparently Xûr and the Nine were... [i]controlling[/i] the Iron Lords? What? Or maybe just an acquaintance? Shut up, I'm trying to explain.
At this point, some stuff happened. The story skips this bit, but we can infer the rest when we complete the poem.
[quote]Then from his throne came one of the Masters,
taking my hand and leading me onward,
through all the Halls of the deep hidden land.
Led he me through the Halls of Amenti,
showing the mysteries that are known not to man.
Through the dark passage, downward he led me,
into the Hall where site the dark Death.
Vast as space lay the great Hall before me,
walled by darkness but yet filled with Light.
Okay, so at this point "The Dweller" is taking our unnamed protagonist down into the Halls of Life... where... death sat... why is Death in the Hall of Life? Why is Halls of Amenti in Darkness [i]and[/i] Light?
BECAUSE GUESS WHAT: Death is Osiris, and The Dweller is Brother Vance from the Reef. Why does Osiris have access to the Halls that the Iron Lords occupy? Speak of the devil, where [b]are[/b] the Iron Lords? Why the flipflap is Osiris described in such a sinister manner when we know he is a Warlock?
[u]Inferring Time[/u]
I believe that, with the help of Xûr and the Nine, Osiris, who was himself an Iron Lord (which is why he would have access to the Crucible maps in Trials of Osiris) murdered the other Iron Lords because he didn't agree with their opinions. Remember that 'siris is chuffing [i]insane.[/i] This would explain why the Nine were mentioned before, and it would also explain why Xûr always goes to different spots, to avoid the Speaker. But wait, how does the Speaker even know that Xûr is bad juju? Because a Lord [i]escaped.[/i] Well, obviously. He gives us level 32 gear everytime he shows up in the Tower every month.
So yeah, Lord Saladin notified the Speaker, which is why Osiris wasn't allowed to return and lie about how they died and it's why Xûr has to conduct his business in a shady manner. So what opinion drove Osiris to murder?
Politics. Always politics.
[quote]Custodians and watchers of the force of man's bondage,
ready to loose when the light has been reached. [/quote]
I'm tired, so I'll make this quick. This quote means that civilians wanted to be Guardians, but didn't have Light. Osiris wanted to make it happen. The Iron Lords did not. Death ensued.
So, this explains why Osiris can't send Brother Vance to the Tower, so he has to go to the Reef. But there's a couple more loose ends.
Why in the snippity snap paddy whack did Osiris make the Trials in the first place?
[u]Trials, My Ass[/u]
Let's begin (again):
[quote]Raised then the hand of the figure,
forth came a flame that grew clear and bright.
Rolled back swiftly the curtain of darkness,
unveiled the Hall from the darkness of night.
Then grew in the great space before me,
flame after flame, from the veil of the night.
Uncounted millions leaped they before me,
some flaming forth as flowers of fire.
Others there were that shed a dim radiance,
flowing but faintly from out of the night.
Some there were that faded swiftly;
others that grew from a small spark of light.
Each surrounded by its dim veil of darkness,
yet flaming with light that could never be quenched.
Coming and going like fireflies in springtime,
filled they with space with Light and with Life.
Then spoke a voice, mighty and solemn, saying:
"These are lights that are souls among men,
growing and fading, existing forever,
changing yet living, through death into life.
When they have bloomed into flower,
reached the zenith of growth in their life,
swiftly then send I my veil of darkness,
shrouding and changing to new forms of life."[/quote]
Mmmmmmmkkkkkkkkkk, so our protagonist sees Osiris/Death raise his hand and [b][i]HUMANS SOULS[/i][/b] come out of a [i][b]FREAKING HOLE IN THE GROUND AND SURROUND YOU[/b][/i] and Osiris (the Egyptian god of judging souls after death) basically said hey everytime you kill someone I judge them k? Usually I send them bad place k?
So why would Osiris show these souls to you? I mean, what in der werld?
To show you what you have done. Remember that in the Trials of Osiris, you lose too much, you're out. Sudden death. Maybe, in the lore, even [b]actual death.[/b] You are actually [i]killing[/i] Guardians to rank higher and bathe in glory. So Osiris (a Warlock, the class that often asks the big questions) shows you those souls, those souls that [i]you[/i] killed so that they were judged by Osiris, to ask you a question:
[b][i]Was it worth it?[/i][/b]
All those you killed, all those you conquered to heighten yourself, did you do it with good intentions?
Remember that Osiris is batpoo crazy, which would have made him fine with killing Guardians to prove a point.
Oh, and Osiris was a sunsinger. It hints it everything but directly in the poem. You know, that one class that can defy death.
[i]What a coincidence.[/i]
I highly recommend reading the poem, it pretty much all but locks in what I've said here. Comment, or whatever.
[b]Edit: Chapter 2[/b]
"I told you so"
So with the recent addition of the House of Wolves DLC, we can make some more statements about this theory. First off:
But why is it called the Lighthouse, and not the Halls of Amenti? My guess would be either 1) The Iron Lords nicknamed it because they're humans and that's what they do, or 2) it was always called that but when Osiris took it for himself he named it the Halls of Amenti.
This next small section requires knowledge of the secret room in the Lighthouse, so check that out. Basically, this hideout is Osiris's hideout, complete with a giant Vex chasm which is probably where the souls came out in the poem. Why is this so?
a. Nothing else makes sense
b. When you approach it, it creates the [b]same noise that a dead Guardians' ghost create.[/b]
So that's where we are. Hopefully I'll think of more stuff to put here.
I've tried many times to make a long, third edit to continue the story but it's messing up.
Basically, Osiris wasn't a sunsinger. He was THE sunsinger. The first. Check the 'Osiris' grimiore card.