I bet all that was pretty golden age before everything went to shit and we were kicked back to the stone age comparative.
But we had seen it and some of that knowledge retained. Not all. Some of the knowledge was applied to the current common guns in the game. Things like ice breaker and stuff were all that remained of the lost knowledge
That's 'exotic' tier, I.e. not that common. If it was more common and the best of out technological means were retained, then, most of the guns would be the likes of icebreaker, like Gjallarhorn. This isn't the case and most guns are standard.
Edited by EL CHUNKACABRA: 6/1/2015 3:52:29 PMThat's what I'm saying. The lost knowledge only left behind special weapons in the form of exotics. The knowledge retained allowed us to make our standard guns better (not special as in special slot, special as in like rare lol)