Now I've seen a lot of people complaining and complaining about the thorn and I have one thing to say to you.
Git gud.
The thorn is overpowered because none of you can dodge because you aren't good enough. Just like the titan shoulder charge you are just bad because you can't double tap the jump button to avoid it in time. The thorn is just a hit heavy if it connects weapon and it connects with your character too much because you're bad.
Edited by Pillard: 6/1/2015 8:04:56 PMLol the so original " git gud" ... Lol
One can say 'strafe and dodge and git gud', but if the Thorn-wielder is also 'gud' it evens out and the gun is still OP. It could use a slight nerf, nothing major though.
The thorn exotic bounty is the hardest one of them all. Therefore it makes sense that it is one of the best guns
You know it has the fastest ttk now?
Idiot. You are saying thorn is not op because u can dodge the bullets. If the bullets hit you, then you are a scrub and will die. If you dodge the bullets of any gun, you won't die. Does that make thorn not op? Absolutely not. There is no travel time on thorn, so good luck dodging bullets that go faster than the speed of light. If you go against a halfway decent thorn user, the probably will hit you unless you are blinking all over the place or have near max agility. You can't sidestep or dodge in this game, so it is pretty difficult to dodge bullets that have no travel time. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but please think about how stupid your opinion is before sharing it with the world.
Almost everyone in trials was using it and I had no problems against it
Good thorn user aim for the head... Not trigger happy to the body and hoping the dot to do the kill If im getting hit 3times with thorn and survives the dot, im gonna dance behind cover Real thorn user will kill the target on third bullet
bump because I'm thirsty for more hate
You made no valid points as to why Thorn isn't op. So much stupidity in the forums.
The ultimate "kill-trade" weapon since double melees. Thorn is the only exotic I don't possess, and if I ever get it i'm dismantling it pronto.
You're just bad enough that you have to use that crutch known as thorn
While everyone has their jimmies in a rustle here, take this.
Edited by Hamlet76: 6/1/2015 7:15:24 PMAgreed. People who are getting worked by Thorn need to really work on their strafe. I have had zero problems with Thorn. Period. I know this is a crazy concept to the entitlement generation but sometimes--just maybe--it was your fault and you could have preformed better.
Thorn needs 5 in the chamber
Thorn is for obvious weaklings.
I don't have a thumb anymore, and I still play but I'm easy going and so much a hardcore player. What am I supposed to do with this?
Agree definatly a kick ass gun and it's good! I got my ass handed to me pretty good this weekend in trials from thorn, 99.9% because I haven't played pvp since iron banner so I was really rusty. And that's why I grinded and finally finished the bounty for it. Now I've played pvp like crazy and I'm super stoked for ib and trials this week
[quote] The thorn is just a hit heavy if it connects weapon[/quote] Nope, try again.
See, what's funny is, you have a truck for a hand cannon (hawk moon) and an auto rifle for another (the last word) ....but thorn gets the poop dick .-. They're all 3 good
I love the git good crowd. It helps me know who to mute. This forum is getting better for me by the day.
Here was have a troll in its natural habitat. Observer, the poorly constructed logic and the circular argument. It has been rumored that these creatures sometimes create parallel universes where their warped logic does indeed function, but is has yet to be proven by our science. Besides their obviously danagerous para-psychological powers, they also feed off unknowning forum goers. As you can see, a few have already fallen prey to the bait that the creature has laid out. The idea that it is a player's fault that he got himself killed is generally regarded as true across the forums. However, the trolls are reknown for laying their baits within truths. Please grab your popcorn and observe nature at work.
LOL avid thorn user here......and you are off your rocker. The thorn definitely needs an adjustment.
And you have a lvl 1 as your only character
Dodge......bullets. Right, I'll just jump out of the way of a speeding bullet because it's difinitely an easy thing to do. There is no dodging bullets, just people with bad aim. Also, maybe some consider Thorn OP because if you pop a couple shots off the enemy is finished. Maybe it's because you only need to fire a few shots and just wait for your kill. OR MAYBE.....just maybe.... it's because I can kill you and the DOT still kills me. If the DOT didn't continue to damage me after I've killed you then I would have no problem with Thorn.
Thorn is strong. But it isn't OP as there are abilities to survive it. It takes 0.3 seconds to land the shots but you have to wait for the kill. The only gun that can be considered truly OP in this game is the last word. Due to its 0.2 TTK, which is more than most heavys. The fact that the last word has an ADS bug doesn't help.
I don't dodge bullets, I use my lightsaber to deflect them...