What do you guys think!? Should I reroll or play it safe with what I got?!?!
[b]Ill Will[/b] I'm pretty sure it's perfect:
Final Round
Smallbore (gives less rounds so more chance for luck) or Extended Mag
Luck In The Chamber
[b]Matador 64[/b] I was hoping aggressive bal. and something better than cascade, but I settled here:
Linear Compensator
Shot Package
Reinforced Barrel
[b]Amplified Geo-D6[/b] I tried for unflinching/hidden hand, but got good stability and a nice scope so I settled:
Shortgaze (no ambush)
Handlaid Stock (extreme stability)
I have the same roll on my Ill Will and a similar roll on my Her Mercy, it has the perk that increases stabilitiy and lowers mag size. Been using it and loving it. Ill Will is on my Titan Her Mercy is on my Hunter