So in a discussion with another member about re-rolling weapons and whatnot, I came across something that threw me for a loop. In most FPS, hip firing is simply the shooting of your weapon without ADS. A lot of weapons have this perk and mostly everyone I have talked to also understands hip fire as simply shooting without ADS. I thought this was a no-brainer. HOWEVER, Destiny wiki shows that the perk is only activated when firing while crouched. I mean I guess I can see that crouching WOULD technically bring the weapon closer to your hip? That was never pointed out in the description though and now I'm curious as to whether or not I, or anyone else for that matter, have been using this perk incorrectly and just THINKING that it is actually working when it is not. I'm away from my console right now to be able to test this, but if it is true, then there are a lot of people including myself who would probably agree that it should include being crouched in the perk description to avoid confusion. Anyone?
Crouched? Yeah I'm pretty sure that is wrong. You ever hip fire " the last word"? It is super fun in the crucible. Still, not a perk I would prefer.