What do you think?
It seems like the majority of players want Thorn nerfed!! Listen to the community Bungie!
Yay, we just passed 1000 votes. Nerf thorn!!
Its not hard to get and its not hard to defeat. Why nerf it? Just becauee yiuve died a few time from it? Nerf every weapon in the game last night i got killed by a few ive never even heard of while using the thorn. Id like to think im fairly good also i can reach rank 5 on all 3 characters each ib
[quote]What do you think? Edit1: It seems like the majority of players want Thorn nerfed!! Listen to the community Bungie! Edit2: Yay, we just passed 1000 votes. Nerf thorn!![/quote] Um your an idiot you asked what do you THINK is going to happen not what do you WANT to happen, this is of course on top of your already idiotic poll....
Give us a choice moron quit crying for nerfs.
Votes dont count without a opposing choice.
Or they could buff everything else so that they are competitive. There is a difference between [b]over-powered[/b] and [b]over-used[/b]. Pulse Rifles got buffed and everyone started using those making them [b]over-used[/b]. Auto Rifles were [b]over-used[/b] before they got nerfed and became [b]under-used[/b], if they got rebuffed the would be used more and Thorn wouldn't be used as much.
Nothing it really isn't that good I can one shot thorn users. So not worried
dont care I got hawkmoon :P
Edited by DarkManatee: 6/3/2015 10:22:54 PMBy the looks of things nothing lol I was forced to upgrade thorn after being annihilated over and over by 3-6 thorns on the enemy team each killing me before I could react. Now I have one, pvp is easy, but not in the fun way it was before. It's quite funny when people defend it because they use it lol and how terrible most Thorn users are when tasting their own medicine. ...that's enough arrogance from me. I still hope handcannons in general get a stability and range nerf and auto rifles get a tiny buff
I don't mind the perk just get this -blam!-ing green stuff off my screen!
Nothing. Thorn was dealt with early early on. Noobs need to just get used to it.
By the way, I take Thorn into the crucible every time I go - and I get SLAYED - because some people rock in PvP and the rest of us die
Well, that depends: If the nerfbunnies in these forums have their way, then eventually the gun will probably lose it's exotic perk (devourer) and be replaced by something nerf-worthy like reload speed upon crit. And then no one will use the gun, and move along to another weapon that nerfbunnies will complain about and, eventually, Bungie will nerf. And so on and so forth until the Crucible becomes a gametype where everyone just gives each other hugs and candy all day long #sarcastaball. The alternative that I hope Bungie goes with is simple: ignore the nerfbunnies. Their refusal to admit that they are not intelligent enough to mitigate a specified weapon in PvP should not result in a punishment for everyone. The Thorn is not OP simply because a lot of people use it, and subsequently get kills with it. But that is a fundamental problem with this community as the majority believes simply that Overused = Overpowered It doesn't. Overused means simply that a lot of people run a gun. If they get kills with that gun, it does not necessarily mean the gun is OP, but rather they are accustomed to the weapon. I have seen plenty of Thorn users who had no clue how to use that weapon, and the same with any other weapon people claim is "OP". Hell, when I started using Thorn, all I could get was assists. I learned how to use the weapon, and although I am far, far away from being anything close to "average" in PvP, I am able to hold my own with that weapon on occasion.
I think I will list all weapons that kill me as needing a nerf and all players wielding said weapons as hackers with aimbots, etc etc and destiny will see my tears and make me the champion I want to be...I will be GUARDIAN SLAYER CRUCIBILLY!! RAWR
Nothing is going to happen, because the mayority disnt want any more nerfs. The vocal crucibaby community is the one crying. After the nerf Thorn a new weapon will wreck and bitches like you will cry again. After the next OP weapon is nerf somwthing else will come. At the end we will be fighting with pillows and rubber dildos.
Stick to your Legos scrub.
The thorn and the last word are way to OP IMO. I have then both and use them a good deal. The thorn need the dot to only activate when landing a head shot that would fix alot of the issues I had with it cuz it L's a 2 shot kill no matter what. The last word fires was to fast for how much damage it deals. Tone the fire rate down or the amount of damage it deals per shot would fix a great deal that's broken with it.
This isn't a fair poll. There needs to be an option for ultra nerf so that its as bad as suros. But in all seriousness for a poll you need to put more fair options.
Biased poll is biased.
lmao not true the have been other post with actual don't nerf thorn choices and those post show that over half of the community doesn't want thorn nerfed so this poll is bs
Counter offer, buff everything else.
Make everything else as strong as it used to be and it would be fine. Aside from the vex of course.
Buff everything else
Queue worlds smallest violin
I think nerfing is better than nerfing it. Not 100% sure though, so i might change my vote.
Edited by TheOwnersDog: 6/3/2015 5:08:21 PMI have a Thorn. I don't use it because im not the biggest fan of Hand Cannons. But I will contend that it seems most of competitive crucible is full of Thorns. I went up against Dozens of teams in Trials many of which all were using Thorn. Still went flawless 3 times. Destiny has this problem with Nerfing and Buffing that makes the unbalance in this game insane. Its not a Thorn problem its a Destiny Problem. Bungie has effectivley forced players into using specific guns competitivley because they give you an edge. In ToO I was playing with a friend that was level 33 and he would get hit once in the head by thorn and die from after burn. Whole teams with Thorns would play "defense" camping opening spawn. Waiting for impatient players to rush in and get 2 shot by them. Its not whether you can outshoot them. Its about having a level playing field that doesnt consist of 85% of players using a single gun. I have the Thorn. Its a cool gun. But i assure you with threads like these, we will see this gun being nerfed. Just like the many before it as a result of threads like these. I just want to see a varied playing field. Not one filled with Thorns. Or.. I'll start using mine and say -blam!- it.