Hey guys, I thought this would be helpful for all of you since the [i]Lord Saladin[/i] is making his way back to the tower!
Everyone is excited for the return of [b]Iron Banner[/b] and the new rewards ready to be reaped. I myself love this game mode and have tons of fun playing but like us all, we need help once in a while... [i]and this is where you get it![/i]
[u]Just follow this format:[/u]
[b]Gamertag[/b]: RaSuRs
[b]Character(s)[/b]: 34 Titan
[b]Misc[/b]: w. all Iron Banner gear and Felwinters'
[b]Looking for[/b]: 3 Players Level 32+
Why not like this post! It will make it easier to come back to and get us more attention so that more players can post and when more players post, more players complete their games.
Short, sweet and to the point.
Thanks guys :) Enjoy!
[b]Edit: Thanks for the 300 posts people![/b]
[b]Edit: Just hit 750 posts![/b]
[b]Edit: We actually hit 1000+ posts, thanks![/b]
[b][Xbox One] [i]REAL[/i] Trials of Osiris Player List & Finder:[/b]
[b][Xbox One] Prison of Elders Team Finder:[/b]
[b][Xbox One] VoG Hard Team Finder:[/b]
Need 1 good players msg me for invite gt imply pina
Need 1 good players msg me for invite gt imply pina
Looking for a Team for Iron Banner. I'm a 34 Hunter. Im not no Scrub either. Have to be able to communicate and Shit on Kids. Inv me on Xbox. Showtiime pT
Need 4 for iron banner. Don't be a scrub. Must have good weapons and be 34. Message me on Xbox for invite, NOT THE FORUMS
Need 3 more for iron banner. MSG me on xbox for an inv
looking to join a team im a 34 titan have mic have positive KD inv me
Looking for a team for iron banner I'm 34 warlock voidwalker...I'm pretty good
Lf4 for iron banner. Lvl34 Must have mic No pee wees. Must be able to communicate well Maxed weapons Can hold their own. GT same as above
Need 2 good players msg me for invite gt imply pina plz have a mic
Looking for people to hang with while I grind out iron banner Gt : harmlessham
Level 34 Titan maxed weapons Looking for a team send inv on Xbox URQUHART19 - my KD is a 1.27
Need 2 good players msg me for invite gt imply pina
Looking for 4 for iron banner (MUST HAVE A K/D IN CONTROL OVER 1.0) Must have Thorn, Last Word, Red Death, Vex, or Messenger for primary Must have good shotgun of sniper for special (Preferably LDR, Efrideet's Spear, The Supremacy, Felwinter's Lie, Party Crasher, Matador) english and mic required Message United Tempers (XBOX one)
34 hunter with a 1.5kd in control looking for a team. Invite on xbox live. Gamertag is Dann Regret.
Need 2 good players msg me for invite gt imply pina
Level 34 hunter Good gear and good experience Invite me GT: FinTheFish2803
Need a full team of people for iron banner who are serious about playing competitively So either invite me to a team or message me for invite Gt same as above
Hello looking for 2 to make a 3 man iron banner team :D Gt:SeiXoen for invi!
Need a full team of people for iron banner who are serious about playing competitively So either invite me to a team or message me for invite Gt same as above
Got 2 need 4 msg for inv
Need 5 for iron banner message me on xbox
Need 4 decent people for iron Banner GT:YesBrad L
We have a team of 3 experienced players for iron banner, we need 3 more. U must be 34 have a mic and have good crucible weapons. Message me in game for an inv Xbox one GT: Pure SkiLL Xx
Need 4 experienced players to run some iron banner message Deleteriouss for an invite
34 Titan looking for iron banner team Flawless thorn all that Gt: define scirb
Edited by Jesh1: 7/29/2015 1:11:42 PMNeed 1 msg Joshua3120