This game did have a lot of hype around it, obviously not as much as games like Destiny and fair enough I can agree the nemesis system is great, gameplay is great, but my point still stands about the story, it's only problem really.
Better story than destiny
All good. Seems like we just disagree about the hype ;) I had posted in this thread a while back that SoM fit the bill. As a story fan, are you playing Witcher 3?
Ye, got it the recent Friday, so far so gewd
To date, my favorite storyline in any game had been the Tiny Tina DLC. I think that was beat by one of the early witcher ones.
I haven't got too far yet, only got to the part where you join the baron to get his wife back (if you chose that path).
:) See my previous post. Was reading a review on Forbes, I think, the reviewer had the same assessment I did. Enjoy.