Okay firstly let me start off by saying we vsed this team the game before, we beat them 5-1, so they started sending us hate mail saying we are "cheaters" ect, this was our 2nd flawless in a row without losing, we had our shots on, especially me.
So I decided to annoy them alittle, we got upto 4-0 so we new we had the game in our favour, I told my two clan members "don't kill them, just hang back alittle and let me try make them more angry".
So I abused my Iron Banner E Spear and decided to snipe them off one by one, not only that but purposely kill a certain member on the opposite team ;)
Tell me what you think below, am I in the wrong?
*If you need help with ToO going flawless, add me and I'll help as much as I can.
*if you are looking for a elite a Iron Banner team this week, add me, ONLY if you have gone flawless 6+ times minimum.
[u]ToO Flawless Runs: 12[/u]
Seriously kid get a life....and before you talk I've went flawless on all 3 toons 2 weeks in a row