I post this to spark a discussion amongst fellow guardians. As seen in the video bungie had applied for that trademark, which leads us to some speculation. Could this mean we will see trading in some form or another coming to Destiny? What are your thoughts on this? Are you for it against it? If it is implemented what do you think is the best way to go about doing so?
If it is a trading system, which I highly doubt it will be, it won't be an in game system. As bungie has never trademarked anything actually in the game. The only things bungie has ever trademarked have been actual release names, and other titles for publishing, such as: Destiny, The Dark Below, The Taken King, etc... Also the ever-verse trading co. Wasn't even trademarked under software. As of right now to speculate at any sort of in game trading system would just be foolish and massively jumping to conclusions