Whats the opinion of the Gheleon's demise scout rifle in this week's Iron Banner vendor? It has full auto and third eye. I do like the full auto perk, but I feel like I should reforge it to get outlaw and/or full auto. So thoughts?
Ive had it for a while from previous iron banners and the fire rate is terribly slow, although full auto sounds like a good remedy, I'd buy it just for the collection
How does this rank up among other legendary primary weapons?
Full auto is useless on gheleons, the weapon fires so slow its very easy to time its shots. I've found third eye to be VERY useful in PoE, before it was practically useless for pve, but now its quite desirable.
Firefly and outlaw are the best options
Full auto won't be as helpful on GD because its more long range oriented, both the perks currently kinda suck.
Best scout in the game.
It's so-so. Personally, I can't stand the slow RoF.