What do you think?
It seems like the majority of players want Thorn nerfed!! Listen to the community Bungie!
Yay, we just passed 1000 votes. Nerf thorn!!
Edited by DarkManatee: 6/3/2015 10:22:54 PMBy the looks of things nothing lol I was forced to upgrade thorn after being annihilated over and over by 3-6 thorns on the enemy team each killing me before I could react. Now I have one, pvp is easy, but not in the fun way it was before. It's quite funny when people defend it because they use it lol and how terrible most Thorn users are when tasting their own medicine. ...that's enough arrogance from me. I still hope handcannons in general get a stability and range nerf and auto rifles get a tiny buff