Thorn is much better than every single weapon in pvp and if you believe in a balanced pvp you should want a nerf. If u don't tell me why. Please have well though out answers and no shit like 'git gud'. Be sensible
Edit: please try be constructive. I want this to be a discussion not people crying and moaning everywhere
Have a look at this
I've outguned the thorn using my Vex. Is not that OP...
If it was that OP it would be nerfed already. Odds are that the actual stats donmt reflect your perception. It's not OP.
We've got some reason in this thread. I'm pretty sure most people just want the thorn to be balanced out, still be a powerful and unique weapon without being ridiculous.
I do fine against it . People forgot all about the hard light . It's a nasty auto rifle and I do okay in crucible .
It's funny how bungie said they want PvP players to use different weapons, and no weapon should out perform, yet 70% odd of PvP is just thorn.
I'll be honest, I don't really use hand cannons that often. I usually run around with pulse rifles (addicted to Bad Juju). Going up against a Thorn in crucible is tough, and I believe it has made me a better player in a gun fight. Half the people I match up with use Thorn and I've noticed my strategy change due to people destroying me with it. I've changed my rushing and distance, my patience feels elongated and I stay more focused. It's a savage weapon and a nice challenge to take down the guardians that use them.
Honestly (and this may come as a shocker) I don't really like the thorn that much. Not in the way that uhh this gun should be nurfed but I don't see the appeal of it (I am trying to be reasonable). I have it maxed out and while its good I would much rather use TLW or Red death. I would like to think I am a good PvP player and have no problem out gunning to thorn. I do think it is annoying when more then one person is shooting me with it at once. I think the DoT should be lowered to 3 or 5 and that is shouldn't last as long
If the thorn gets needed people will just find another op gun and soon enough that's what they'll be whining about.
The only thing about thorn that needs to be reduced is the range. It's pretty ridiculous that it can snipe so well even against scouts which are designed for that type of range.
how about the dot is triggered when the user is within a certain range? that means that thorn can't be used to outgun scout rifles and when the user dies the dot fades?
Better than every gun? I think The Last Word outperforms it every time. That gun owns crucible, period. The range is functionally well beyond the listed stat, and it kills much quicker than anything other than a headshot sniper or close range shotgun. Frankly, if any gun needs a nerf it's TLW in my opinion. I would be happy of they just made its effective range match the stat. Thorn requires 3 body shots, or 2 headshots. Which is exactly the same as fatebringer or timur's lash. Or basically every other handcannon...
At the end of the day its two headshots with a handcannon for game over anyway. You Nerf thorn you have to Nerf handcannons. I say leave it. I've beaten people with thorn using other guns. A weapon is only as good as the user using it.
Edited by Jeb_Bush: 6/4/2015 3:04:59 AMCome on, if you're going to make a poll, don't make it so every option leads to your personal opinion. Bias makes your thread look like a streaming pile of shit.
Thorn isn't quite OP,but definitely a top tier pvp exotic.The problem is that it's overused,if it wasn't used by 75% of people in the crucible people wouldn't be crying for a nerf.
Thorn needs it fire rate nerfed and more recoil
I say no. There are ways to beat it. And if you're not great with hand cannons in crucible you're gonna have a bad time. Add in the exotic bounty you have to go through to get it and I think it's fine. #buffautorifles #nomorenerfs #myvexisbroken
Git gud But seriously it might need a little bit of a nerf. Considering the bounty you need to complete to get it I think that thorn deserves to be a decent weapon. But where it is now is a little bit too much.
If they do anything they should lower range and stability just a little
Y complain when you can use it?
Only play Crucible for Iron Banner. Fatebringer Vs Thorn? Fatebringer is godly.
if u nerf the thorn, then the last word/hawkmoon become op, then people will complain about that. then a nerf, then guess what? more complaining! now u gotta nerf vex! then red death then mida and what not.
Because when bungie nerfs something they don't just nerf things a little bit they go balls to the wall
Edited by NATESDOPE: 6/4/2015 3:40:57 AMOnly thing I don't like about thorn is DoT. I can out gun a thorn any day but I hate dying from DoT after I kill em.
Half the time the DoT doesn't get them. My head shots do.
I am a below average pvp player and never have any trouble outgunning it, case and point
This is the forums. There are no discussions. Just 40 year old pedophiles jacking off in their basements saying stupid shit like "git Gud scrub" "I'm ready to collect your tears" "illuminati confirmed" Ugh I could go on for hours