[quote]The DoT needs to be addressed. Either that or every weapon in the Crucible needs to be balanced better, but for now, I could settle with the DoT not causing death but keeping 1 HP so literally ANYTHING can kill them.[/quote]
Let 2 head shots kill them. Reduce the body shot damage So it takes 5 body shots to kill them with DoT. This is a reasonable fix for all of you crybabies. Then you can't say "waaaaaaahh!!! Thorn is too OP! Pls nrf bng!!!!" Only skilled users could kill with it this way.
There's no reason to be an asshole. And there's no excuse for having anything two-shot kill anybody in Crucible. That's ridiculous. This just sounds like somebody who doesn't want to lose an advantage for having a weapon..
[quote]There's no reason to be an asshole. And there's no excuse for having anything two-shot kill anybody in Crucible. That's ridiculous. This just sounds like somebody who doesn't want to lose an advantage for having a weapon..[/quote] Hawkmoon can 2 shot kill, the last word can 2 shot kill, any shotgun can 2 hit kill, any sniper will 2 hit kill(max). Here's the funny thing... I haven't used my thorn in ages! I prefer my vex! Can't wait for a MIDA multi-tool. You can't say that I don't want to lose an advantage because the vex has been nerfed numerous times(by itself, with autos, with fusions) bungie can't seem to figure out what it is.
We're talking about a Hand Cannon though. The Last Word needs to be fixed, I don't agree with Hawkmoon even existing with those perks ( ridiculous gun, I don't want it on the XBox ).
I agree completely with TLW. Make it so it can only 2 hit when hip fired. Hawkmoon is fine, it can only 2 shot with 3 luck rounds in a mag.
There are multiple pulse rifles now that 2 shot.
Slow firing, get out DPSed by Thorn
Red Death destroys thorn every time I use it
The stability hurts Red Death