[quote]There's no reason to be an asshole.
And there's no excuse for having anything two-shot kill anybody in Crucible. That's ridiculous.
This just sounds like somebody who doesn't want to lose an advantage for having a weapon..[/quote]
Hawkmoon can 2 shot kill, the last word can 2 shot kill, any shotgun can 2 hit kill, any sniper will 2 hit kill(max). Here's the funny thing... I haven't used my thorn in ages! I prefer my vex! Can't wait for a MIDA multi-tool. You can't say that I don't want to lose an advantage because the vex has been nerfed numerous times(by itself, with autos, with fusions) bungie can't seem to figure out what it is.
We're talking about a Hand Cannon though. The Last Word needs to be fixed, I don't agree with Hawkmoon even existing with those perks ( ridiculous gun, I don't want it on the XBox ).
I agree completely with TLW. Make it so it can only 2 hit when hip fired. Hawkmoon is fine, it can only 2 shot with 3 luck rounds in a mag.