Thorns crit damage should be lowered, and DoTs shouldn't show up in PvP
And id want a nerf so not as many people use it.. pvp is boring when its nothing but thorn
Hush little baby don't you cry, Thorn's gonna sing you a lullaby. Two straight shots to your head, to make sure you wind up stone-cold dead. And if that good ol' Thorn don't kill, Damage Over Time will make sure it will. Fusions and shotguns don't you fret, post mortem kills is what we'll get. And if you're still alive, be-ware. There's plenty more Thorns in the Garden out there.
It should still have dot just less I think
No, I mean you shouldn't be able to see the numbers on the screen. Cause you hit someone with thorn, they go to cover, and you can see where they are cuz DoTs appear overhead.
Oh sorry. Yeah that's a good idea