originally posted in:Extreme Xbox Gamers
Everyone please drop you gamer tag and your name below so we all can see who is who thank you.
Josh Hancuff Xbox 360 gt: iDubstep007 I mostly play on my 34 hunter
Mason Alexander XMasonX1015X USA CENTRAL TIME HUNTER 32
Billy Font GT-xEarthbornBeast United States Central Time Xbox One
Same as name
Lucifer CFH on the 360
GEM MagicKush
[quote]Everyone please drop you gamer tag and your name below so we all can see who is who thank you.[/quote] Yo soy Pablo208 feel free to add me
Edited by Sheriff Crayon: 6/9/2015 12:20:21 PMCollin rocks13 Collin 360 cdt lvl32
Temment London gmt Xbox 1
Edited by xGamer1980ManX: 6/8/2015 7:59:06 PMxGamer1980ManX Xbox one Hunter lvl 34 Titan lvl 3 Midwest Timezone
[quote]Everyone please drop you gamer tag and your name below so we all can see who is who thank you.[/quote]
GT OG BassDropzz Name Duke Timezone EST
Handle(GT):Obscene Hunter System:Xbox One Time Zone:Eastern / U.S. Name:Graham H. George Side note:i will be changin my gamertag soon, just waitin till i have enough bing credits + the bonuses
Elcondor16 Xbox one Central time
Phinphan55 Xbox one Eastern standard usually on in Pm and Thursday am
Edited by FuncoMat: 6/7/2015 11:03:42 PMGamertag: Funcomat Console: Xbox One Time Zone: Central / United States Real Name: Mathew Williams
Th38BitWarrior Nick Trembly
Xrottenxtreatsx aka unka berg I'm on xb1 some nights more on weekends
HoeNinja aka Tyler cobb
l MissElektra l Lucy gould :) and in uk play 4pm -12am ^_^
Ghostninja65 aka James Kuhlmeyer
Louie Rodriguez a.k.a VraelTheMighty