This method entailed having one titan with blessing, 2 ghorns, and one truth.
Step 1 run to the left side of the map.
Step 2 take out all the adds while ignoring kaliks
Step 3 fire primary ammo at kaliks until he reaches about half health
Step 4 when the mobs start spawning switch to your rocket launcher, place the bubble, and unload all your heavy ammo and maybe a bit of primary.
Step 5 after kaliks is dead kill the fall target and claim your reward.
This method was developed by Rudy_2468, Blackox79, and myself (ricksrighthand) on ps4.
Tl dr so I'll make a new one. -pop bubble when door opens- -shoot 7 gally [b][i]EACH[/i][/b]- -pop a synth- -drop 7 on captain- -t bag to confirm kill-
Def take out adds first, then nuke him.
Just ghorn the shit out of him like every other boss in this sorry excuse for a game.
I used a slightly different method but similar.. Run right when u come in and jump up on platform for some cover.. Kill all the captains and vandals and shanks but leave the yellow bar Dregs alone.. They will despawn in a few seconds , finish killing off the other ads then jump down and lure the boss to the very center.. Have a Titan drop a bubble on the very back center and unload gallys on him, duck into the bubble to synth and keep firing .. If u run out then use black hammer on him.. Don't worry about the target til after the boss is dead then go kill the target and collect loot.. Very easy effective method.. Even did it last time with 2 34's and a 33 and the 33 only used black hammer and HoC...
To right and shoot the -blam!- out of him. That's all
Is this the 34 this week?
Reply 4 later?
[quote]This method entailed having one titan with blessing, 2 ghorns, and one truth. Step 1 run to the left side of the map. Step 2 take out all the adds while ignoring kaliks Step 3 fire primary ammo at kaliks until he reaches about half health Step 4 when the mobs start spawning switch to your rocket launcher, place the bubble, and unload all your heavy ammo and maybe a bit of primary. Step 5 after kaliks is dead kill the fall target and claim your reward. This method was developed by Rudy_2468, Blackox79, and myself (ricksrighthand) on ps4.[/quote] He usually gens health all the way Atleast once or twice before he dies. My team goes right. Under the overhanging platform. The ether guys come out 1 of those two doors that are down there too. With a titan it's easy use helm of saint-14 pop it when you see your minimap light up like a Christmas tree. And boom their blind and you can shotty them to death :) it's very effective. After, kill some more adds and dps kaliks. It takes roughly 15 just on this round to kill him legitly. (Go away you "git gud scrub" garbage mouths.) I ran this lastnight with my lock and a buddy and his titan and we wrecked his Ass.( I soloed the first 4 rounds as they were too easy. Just kill enemies and no targets? Sure! And yes I know there was round 4 where you had to dismantle mines. With that much area and "exposure" modifier and enemies who don't out level you. It's a breeze lol.
I just shot him till he died
The way I did it was simply focus on the Dregs he used to feed off of and damage him when we had the chance. When he hits half health, focus on the target and then resume damage/ad control.
Thorn doesn't work on him
We just popped a bubble weapons of light and gjallarhorned the shit out of it. Over before it started.
Sorry, it has been this way since 5:00 EST on Tuesday. You guys are a bit late.
Step 1: bubble Step 2: gjally Done
Edited by Ray_Charles_Contact_Lenses: 6/4/2015 6:13:17 AMI love the kaliks fight. Funnest POE boss IMO
Pretty much what we did except the last few steps. From what we experienced, 3 waves of adds spawn and then the target. So we didn't even touch the boss until we killed all adds and the target and then nothing else seemed to spawn so we just focused on the boss then.
We ran left and let him drift all the way to the back side of the map and then used black hammer for constant dmg and then lit him up with 2 ghorns
Might b a glitch but if you go far right and stand in the platform he will follow you. And when he does his servants that he feeds off will disappear so he can't regen. If u kill all the adds they won't respawn.
Step 1 ghally Job done
Light his ass up with every Gjallarhorn rocket you have, then do it again to the high value target.
Get in, WoL, Gjallarhorn his ass...
I dunno, can you?
Go out. Run left. Kill all ads. Pop bubble. Unload your heavy. Game over. No need to use primaries. Or synths.
We had one guy take down ads while we hit Kaliks and when the first target spawns kill the target and then just wait for synth because no ads spawn after that. Synth up and burn Kaliks
Needed this about an hour ago before we all got depressed and called it a night. Thanks though, we'll use it next time
I copied your strategy after multiple failures. ....thank you!!