Every law that forms our functioning society, is backed up and maintained by implicit or explicit use of force. Violence is fundamentally understandable across all languages, cultures, creeds, and races.
Violence is the ultimate answer to the question "Or else what?" They say music is universal, but a punch in the face feels the same no matter what language you speak, and the message is clear, concise, and unmistakable. No matter what, you will now understand the answer to the question "Or else what?"
It is by answering this question a level of order is achieved. Without violence, there is no order and its is order that is vital to peace, and allows us to achieve and push for the more idealistic notions of understanding, coexistence, and our fundamental freedoms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that we as a society dream of and strive to achieve.
You are able to have freedoms because of the violent acts of men willing to die and kill others to take those freedoms from those who would withhold them. It is through violence you are free and it is through violence you will have to take those freedoms back should a government ever become too oppressive.
In a perfect world violence isn't necessary, but this is reality and there will always be those who would rather eliminate others than coexist, and unfortunately negotiation doesn't always work. Violence isn't always the best answer, but it is the final answer.
An important distinction is the difference between "just" and "unjust" violence. "Just" violence maintains and enforces order, "unjust" seeks to create chaos.
I'm not saying that all your modern problems are answerable by a punch to the face. I'm merely drawing attention to, an often purposefully neglected, aspect to society that we would all typically much rather avoid and pretend we are above.
[i]Si vis pacem, para violentus.[/i]
[b]If you want peace, then prepare for war.[/b]
Without action, words are just words. Without violence, laws are just words.
Edit: I need to stop making such well thought out threads. No disagreement is boring lol.
I agree. Sometimes violence becomes a necessary evil.