Thorn is a problem. I have found that I have had to use Thorn to be successful. That leads to a boring game. Rather than Nerfing Thorn, buff auto rifles and/or other weapons to make them more useful. That's the only way Thorn Banner will go back to being Iron Banner.
I get killed by Suros Regime more than any other gun in IB.
I'm almost level 3 and I'm not that good at PVP, so I've played a lot of matches in the past 2 days. I've only seen 1 suros being used at all. Every match has at LEAST 3 players using Thorn or TLW, sometimes more. I bet if we looked at official stats from Bungie, Thorn and TLW would be by far the leading guns. I find it sad that 2 guns are used so much that everything else a tough choice.
Idk man. I use thorn bc it's a badass gun, but I'll switch it up and use Mida, TLW, or Suros sometimes because I like them. I went a couple games yesterday without ever seeing a thorn. Hawkmoon and Suros were my cryptonite. You just have to be aware of your enemies, keep cover and stay with your team. You can spot a thorn user pretty easy and take them out while they're busy with a teammate.