Finally got the damn Revenant shader! My Dead Orbit ranks are 25, 13, and 9. I hit level 9 on my 2nd warlock and got it, I was so happy, but pissed at the same time. It really shouldn't have taken this long to get a shader. So a combined total of 47 Faction levels in DO to get the shader.
Shaders should be added to venders after a certain rank. Maybe like rank 15 or 20.
I see a lot of you against Venders Selling shaders...... Really silly. There are people pass rank 60 and way higher that have yet to see the shader they're after. Its really ridiculous. Its cosmetics, not like its a game breaker.
Let the Venders sell shaders at rank 15 or 20 for 200 crucible points.
Took me till rank 40 with my titan to get it. Be grateful lol.