On average, 1-2 people use thorn a game(per team). Not that big of a problem. If you nerf thorn people go to red death then to last word etc. then all we have is a bunch of shitty guns that would only lead to the whole gun class getting nerfed. If everyone started killing you with NLB you'd want that to be nerfed as well. And no matter how much you say it, hand cannons are still the hardest primary to use. So, to use it effectively you have to have some skill.
This guy knows exactly how hard Last Word is without practice. It was extremely difficult when i jumped right into Iron Banner with it.
Yeah because you had practice before.
Yeah it legit took me 3 or so games of a .33 k/d to get the feel for it. I had used it a few times in PvE when i got it and had put tons of bounties in it, just had never really got around to using it in PvP.
Some people are just naturally skilled. Just because you can kill with TLW or thorn doesn't mean I can.
But just because i can kill with it and some cant doesnt mean it needs nerfed.
So.....You want it to not be nerfed?
No the last word doesnt need nerfed, just the ADS glitch needs fixed. The thorn just needs an initial impact decrease to nerf it.