Title says it all are you for vaccinating your kid or against it.
Edited by dazarobbo: 6/10/2015 6:35:45 AM
Started a new topic: Should unvaccinated people be segregated and quarantined?(119 Replies))
No more this topic
Edited by AyaYumi: 6/13/2015 1:11:04 PMAgainst. Never had any when I was growing up, and I've been perfectly fine. I grew up around a good health advocate, so I know better.
It's sad that this is even a question.
I am pro autism so I say we over vaccinate the population ten fold
For because I'm not an idiot looking for a scapegoat to blame for autism.
Yes. It does no more harm than the actual virus would and that is worst case scenario
I just want what's best for my children. In the end, I want what's best for my kids more than any "professional" claims to.
I'm for it but it should be a choice. Once someone has the power to inject the masses with whatever they want where does it stop? Unauthorized test? Choice is freedom, freedom is safety.
For. No reason not to be.
Well I have a fully functioning brain so I'd have to say, for.
Everyone should be against vaccination until they are no longer promoted by media and politicians and until doctors stop getting bonuses when they sell x amount of a certain drug. Doctors will say these are so good for you but what he doesn't say is he gets a bonus from that pharmaceutical company for selling x amount of that drug, don't trust doctors
Ian for vaccines because I am for autism
Anyone against it is a moron.
Only an idiot is against vaccines
For, like any intelligent person.
For it. If you're against it, thats fine. Just let me know so I can keep my son away. [spoiler]Why do people let their kids take the risk of deadly diseases :([/spoiler]
Make this a poll...
If you are against then you are not fit for parenting
No question, for.
There's not enough truth to not getting vaccinated
Pretty relivent