originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
ok. i need 4 round belts for my laucnehr also some magnetic explsoives would be usefull.
might you have dbp 17 smg rounds?
Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 6/4/2015 5:12:11 PM*soldier digs out two crates of 40mm grenade belts* *pulls out magnetic charges* What caliber is that SMG?
eh dbp 87. 5,9 x 42 mm. would you kindly
*soldier* Chinese rounds?
well eyha its waht my Smg is roudned for
Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 6/4/2015 5:31:58 PM*soldier* Not a problem I just wanted to check. *lifts up case of specified ammo* All together that gear's going to cost you about $40,000.
great. i dont wanna wait a whole week for the AIMC suplying ship comes by. how much would it be. and tel me I can Pay on Dollars.
Ok. great. got change?
Good. *hands in 50 dollars*
That's not $40,000.
*soldier hands you gear and $10,000 back*
AIMC demo: thanks. *waves away as he loads his mag launcher*