Thorn is much better than every single weapon in pvp and if you believe in a balanced pvp you should want a nerf. If u don't tell me why. Please have well though out answers and no shit like 'git gud'. Be sensible
Edit: please try be constructive. I want this to be a discussion not people crying and moaning everywhere
Have a look at this
People don't seem to understand that in weapon balancing, personal skill is completely irrelevant. Weapons should have roughly the same TTK, end of discussion. Thorn is the only weapon to have DOT, even when the Thorn user has died, it can finish the kill, it also has a range comparable to pulse rifles. Last Word is just ridiculously OP at close range. In most PVP games, 80% of the opposing team are using these weapons....... just look at what it's like in IB/ Trials......