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Edited by EDIT: 9/23/2015 7:51:14 PM

Perm Banned from Broman & KingGothalion's Twitch for...

just asking him if ever use any weapon other than Thorn and Matador (uses it as primary btw), and I get perm banned. lol Also, called out ProfessorBroman for saying he would punch someone in the face at a meet and greet if they said something rude to his friend. Then proceeded to say, that he would instead pay a person to beat someone up because he's getting that "Twtich money". Why are these streamers so damn sensitive and defensive. If that's how you play, just own up to it and not be ashamed. I was legitimately curious to see how he would play with something other than those weapons. I think the exposure that Goth and Broman is getting from the Destiny community is starting to go to their heads. And these are the guys Bungie supports and represent this game in the community? Desperate measure I guess for desperate times. [b]edit: [/b] I'm posting here to talk/post in a concise and honest way on my thoughts about this Streamer that Bungie clearly promotes and supports. Some of the stuff they (Goth and Broman) say and how they handle anyone calling them out on their wrong doing should be pointed out, that's all. They shouldn't get a free pass to be dickish just because they are on Twitch and get supported by a developer. [b]edit#2: [/b] Please list some other Destiny streamers that some of you think is worth checking out and viewing. [b]edit#3[/b]: For the record, I NEVER subbed to either of them... I will not give money to a smug pretentious manchild. [b]edit#4:[/b] I've been told that since my thread... that these guys have cleaned up their antics a bit. So it seems, they do care about what people think! In any case, I'm glad to know they are now learning how NOT to be such Dbags towards non sub viewers.

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  • Dude I have been saying this forever and get silenced on every forum from there sensitive community mods. For how "mature" they seem to project themselves broman and goth are, and for lack of a more explicit word, just mean to the community that isnt constantly defending them and there childish bans. Now granted goths mods are extremely loose with power but goth is always there to back them up and seems to think he knows all. The power of the backwards support of the community the represent has gone to there heads completely. I have changed my view on the bungie team considering they let these guys run a major part of there community. I got banned for stating an opinion just like many others. I understand they have rallied greatly for the game but these guys are poor excuse for representation. Not surprising that bungie has chosen these guys considering they are the worst decision makers in the gaming industry. Hope goth doesnt cry over this and then proceed to act like its not a big deal when hurting others who do care about the game just as much as they do buy hey they are goth and broman and what they say goes right?

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  • Agreed +1

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  • Goth banned me today cuz he died and I said he sucked

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  • dude they haven't changed or a least he hasn't here's a link to one of there bs just cause there big and get butthurt fast

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  • Edited by Memento Morri: 1/12/2017 8:46:29 PM

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  • Neeeeecrobump

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  • Necrobump

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  • Eh

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  • Bump

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  • Although I don't get agree with the post, my team and I also noticed huge favoritism towards broman with bungie and the "rng loot table". Apprently Im not the only one (provided in the link above). (Copy and paste) Even a call out in this article feels the same way. I am close to 2500 hours, like my team and tried of getting cheated in the hard raid, nightfall or any loot drops. Amazing games came out this nov and do not feel guilty putting destiny back on the shelf, this is the first time destiny left my drive since it came out and have no desire to return to destiny due to the reward system.

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  • Edited by bart: 11/28/2015 1:40:33 AM
    You're so Stupid it may be time for a nap

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    2 Replies
    • I understand you might be envious about their job… Here is the solution: do it, become a famous streamer. It actually is a job, yes they are having fun, that just mean they like their job. They aren't more lucky than you, they just worked hard to get where they are. You say "twitch money" like it's a bad thing… You can watch their stream for free and if you really want to support them because you like their stream you CAN subscribe. Yes, being a sub means you're part of a "club" and you get to have more of the service you paid for. If there are too much people to read each comments, it makes sense they would prefer the comments from subscribers since they are the ones who give them the ability to live, to eat and to stream. I never was a sub of broman and still he has always been nice with me. Because I'm not being mean and I doubt he would ban you for asking a question except if he already answered multiple times or asked people not to ask the question anymore or even if the question asked was meant to insult him or others. Also, this is, not a kindergarden, if you have a problem with a streamer, too bad.

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      • Aw I'm sorry you can't write things in two twitch chats. Please ask your parents for your blanket, it must be your nap time.

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        • Edited by demyuun: 9/19/2015 12:41:13 AM
          Gothalion and Broman are not at all how any of you describe them. They're not "corrupted" by popularity at all and not douchebags. King Gothalion recently created a Meetup and a bunch of Twitch streamers went out to Florida. TripleWRECK, Datto, Byf, Laced_Up_Lauren, EnragedCinema and a whole bunch of people turned out. Both Streamers talked about it and at least 1k people showed up. Goth paid for the venues they went to and bought people food. Bungie also gave Goth engrams and blacksmith shaders to give out. He was genuinely being super nice! I understand that they use Thorn as their primary on occasion but they know what they're doing?? Gothalion has recent been using Hawkmoon because he knows Thorn is OP. Broman knows he's also not very good at crucible but I have yet to see him use Thorn. Gothalion and Broman and not assholes. And before you say I'm "riding their dick", I'm defending them from a toxic ass community. You all think you're so entitled to everything. They are not how any of you say they are. They're generally very nice dudes. EDIT: let this die please.

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          • Edited by ClutchyPlayz: 11/16/2015 10:30:36 PM
            'Comment removed to avoid useless and time consuming internet arguments'

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            • Honestly, you were baiting them. You knew which buttons to press, and you pressed them. Your a trouble making troll. I don't watch twitch, streams of whatever the -blam!- you do cause you got nothing better to do. Get a life, job. YOU THE -blam!-EN NOOB SCRUB

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            • You do know Goth and Broman aren't the ones who banned you? They have mods for that. Try going to WishYouLuck's stream and asking him about when he got banned for being a child to Deej. You'll get banned in less than 10 seconds, before he even has time to read it. It's ridiculously funny

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              • I just can't beleive that ppl like these are becoming"celebrities" how sad are ppls lives that they emulate nerds who do nothing but play games. Ppl actually give these guys their own money for nothing. I'm skint so if anyone wants to waste their money on donations then give it to me please haha. I watch tfue btw. Guys a beast

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              • You got banned from their B**ch stream? BFD

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              • They can both be dick heads. Most of us working our asses off meanwhile they just sit on their asses playing video games all day. Lol

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                • This is why I try to not comment as much on people's streams.

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                • I like both! I fond that broman can be alittle demeaning to people when they're ass holes but I guess u have to be sometimes. As for goth, I think he does it right! He just whispers u a nasty message and permanently bans u. Plus drunk goth is super funny lol

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                • They seem like decent guys, but like everyone they have good and bad days.. Since they stream we get to see all of them, and of course all the perfect and wonderful people on the internet are just as forgiving as they are to themselves. I suggest just trying different streamers and seeing who you find interesting... I like ones who interact and talk more, so streamers who just mumble occasionally while they play bore me. Teawrex is pretty good.

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                • I find both of their streams bad and I'm new to twitch so you know I had to see them for myself. I enjoy watching sxyhxy but he plays overwatch and h1z1. It's more adult that's why he streams at night and is very interactive with his viewers. You all should check it out.

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                • They need their daily dose of man the -blam!- up!

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                • Twitchers are annoying. Just stop watching those lames. Especially those two ballsacks you're talking about.

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