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Edited by MiltonTheMango: 6/4/2015 8:29:28 AM

Why shouldn't thorn be nerfed in pvp (Resonable discussion)

I'm worried it being nerfed to oblivion


It's my crutch in pvp


I 'think' it's balanced


It should be nerfed


Other (comment below)


Thorn is much better than every single weapon in pvp and if you believe in a balanced pvp you should want a nerf. If u don't tell me why. Please have well though out answers and no shit like 'git gud'. Be sensible Edit: please try be constructive. I want this to be a discussion not people crying and moaning everywhere Edit: Have a look at this

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  • People never used to complain about thorn until ARs got nerfed to shit, they really need to undo that last nerf to ARs to make them a better choice. All PvP is now is thorn and TLW, and of course shotguns....Problem is, if thorn gets nerfed we will need a nerf for TLW as well, which will just lead to red death being called op, and after that gets nerfed it will be another weapon, etc. The problem isn't necessarily thorn, it's the fact that bungie has done a bad job balancing PvP, and even worse is the fact that PvP and PvE are so intertwined that PvE gets screwed constantly by the nerfs that should have no place in PvE.

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